luni, 19 iulie 2010

Overview of a Manual Traffic Exchange

A traffic exchange is very much like a website that provides free traffic to its client websites. You see, often, visitors who surf the net are very restless and do not wish to spend more than 20 seconds in a website. In this method a user is not directly sent to any website, because in such a case the user may click away in some seconds.
Instead, with a traffic exchange, the user is directed to other advertisements which generally contain a better description and details about the actual product or service. The user is attracted with the benefits and offers of the website and goes ahead to know more about the website. In this way the website gets their desired traffic.
Traffic exchange can be done in several ways. One such main method of getting good traffic is through squeeze pages. These pages are like advertisements and usually have headlines, a small description and also auto responders. However, a web visitor is required to provide address where e-mails along with other information can be sent. This has a prolonged effect on the user.
There are two main kinds of programs in traffic exchanges. These are classified as manual traffic exchange programs and automatic programs that are known as auto surfs. If you are really interested in getting manual traffic exchange you can get different kinds of advertising for your website. These will be mainly through splash pages, lead capture pages, text links, banners for the promotion and also affiliate sites. All these are best forms of promotion for websites. The benefits of such manual traffic exchange are many. You get to promote your website and get some high quality targeted traffic for your website, bringing more leads and profits.

Visitors are usually attracted to the website through different forms of advertising. The website is promoted through advertisements and banners. Interesting and informative content is presented in these advertisements with the help of graphics and animation to arouse the interest of the user. The user develops an interest to know more and clicks on to the ad or fills up information. The purpose of the advertisement is served and the website is promoted.

Happy surfing!


duminică, 27 iunie 2010

Schimb manual de trafic

In ultima perioada spatiul virtual romanesc a fost "invadat" de site-uri pentru schimb automat de trafic. Pornind de la primul "trafic automat" de pe piata din Romania - - si continuand cu, ca si sisteme serioase si alte site-uri de schimb automat de trafic cu un numar restrans de utilizatori in comparatie cu cele mentionate. S-a uitat insa ca cel mai efiecient schimb de trafic este cel manual. Atat din punctul de vedere al promovarii online (pentru ca utilizatorii vizualizeaza fiecare site in parte) cat si pentru "traficul sanatos" pe care il furnizeaza. Un trafic bazat pe clicuri. Adevarat, cu un efort suplimentar, dar cu rezultate mult mai bune si mult mai bine "pretuite" in algoritmul principalelor motoare de cautare.
Schimbul manual de trafic confera o mai mare apropiere intre utilizatori si siturile din trafic. Un feed-back mult mai bun si o vizualizare eficienta pentru marketingul siturilor afisate in pagina de navigare. In plus, cu un sistem complex de bannere, un astfel de program ofera o dubla promovare. Cea conferita de afisarea site-ului dar si cea a prezentarii unui banner eficient pentru impactul publicitar. Bine gandit, bine structurat din punctul de vedere al criteriilor de publicitate, banerul afisat in bara poate fi uneori chiar de mai mare impact decat site-ul afisat in navigare. In al treilea rand, la fel de important pentru marketingul si publicitatea unui site promovat de schimbul manual de trafic, posibilitatea de a realiza reclame text gen publicitate contextuala ce vor fi afisate pe site-ul de schimb de trafic.
Asadar 5 avantaje majore in favoarea schimbului manual de trafic in comparatie cu sistemele de trafic automat:
- Vizualizarea efectiva de catre utilizatori a sitului in zona de navigare
- Trafic bazat pe clicuri reale
- Posibilitatea de a promova un site prin banere de 468/60 px
- Posibilitatea de promovare pe site-ul de schimb manual de trafic prin "vizualizari text" - anunturi publicitare pe respectivul site de tipul publicitatii contextuale
- Deseori pentru conturile upgrade un site dezvoltat de schimb manual de trafic iti poate oferi si sansa de a castiga bani, pe langa posibilitatea de a-ti promova online propriul sau propriile site-uri.